Hi, I am Tania Malan (Jäckel) and the owner and aesthetician of UniSkin. Welcome to UniSkin and I am very pleased to make your acquaintance albeit through the web. I do hope to meet you in clinic or on social media soon. However, if there is anything else you would like to know and I haven’t covered in my introduction or on my website please do not hesitate to contact me.

I am South African and a registered nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).  I have emigrated to the UK in 1999 due the violence and difficulties experienced as a nurse working on the front line in Trauma (A&E). I have a backpack full of qualifications and experience accumulated over 29 years of advanced nursing. In my early days I qualified as a nurse with a diploma in midwifery, psychiatry, community and general nursing.

Over the years I have completed a multitude of courses mostly to master’s level but also hold a BSc in Critical Care, MSc in Advanced Nursing, MSc in Education and finally a MSc in Aesthetic medicine which, I have completed with distinction at Queen Mary University, School of Medicine and Dentistry. I have worked in A&E, Medicine, Out of Hours (OOH), Primary Care and lectured at various universities including Nottingham Medical School.

In the last 6 years I have applied all my knowledge and expertise in creating UniSkin and the services we offer within. I am constantly travelling to various parts of the world to either learn from masters in the field or attend conferences to ensure up to date treatments and best practice in order to deliver a bespoke service to each and every patient.

The world of Aesthetics is unregulated and as a registered nurse this is a concern. I do feel comfortable being regulated as it sets a standard and ethos of practice. Save Face is an organisation that stepped up to the plate in ensuring standards of practice and created a register of practitioners. To be registered with Save Face the clinic had to undergo a rigorous on-site assessment and scrutiny of policies and procedures. The aim is to assess and guarantee standards of practice that benefit every patient under our care. Therefore, UniSkin has been assessed by Save Face and given a status of excellence voted for by patients accessing our services. These assessments are done on an annual basis to safeguard every patient.

Furthermore, UniSkin is also Insured and every procedure recorded for insurance purposes. We belong to ACE (Aesthetic Complications Expert Group) in the unlikely event if an emergency should occur. My pledge to you is safe, up to date and constant improving practice. The products we use are only the best and purchased from a pharmacy ensuring it’s safety, efficacy and expiry dates. The companies behind the products offer frequent training as well as continuing research and have a medical team on hand in the unlikely event of side effects or unexplained problems. I will never source products just because they are cheaper or because everybody is using it. I pledge to only use products that are thoroughly researched, evidence based and quality assured.

I have a passion and care for people and their experience. My clinic and team are working to high standards and invite you to be part of our UniSkin family. I value professionalism but much more important is your experience and developing a rapport where you can feel safe and listened to. Treatments are expensive and therefore, I welcome your feedback even if dissatisfied. That means we did not do something right and would like the opportunity to learn from it and put it right. So do get in touch.

My clinics are not just an assembly line of people. I much rather spend more time with you and get it right, so that you get the value for your money but also leave feeling how you should – content, happy and well. You matter and we do offer something for everyone no matter the budget.

Finally, I hope to create a clinic environment that is welcoming for men and women and not intimidating. I also run a shop that will compliment your treatments and experience or lifestyle. I only use products that I love and use myself or believe will make a difference and add real value to your life. I aim to support British or local where possible and source ethically and responsibly.

Take care and see you soon.

Much love,


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